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27 Fantastic Space Saving Ways to Organize your RV or a Camper (That really work!)

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As you know, RV life can sometimes be a challenge when it comes to organizing. Small space and movement of the vehicle set your limits on what and how many items you can take with you. Have a look below for 27 fantastic ideas on how to organize your RV, motorhome, camper, or a caravan, easy and stress-free.

For even more organization ideas for your RV:

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A few organizing tips

  1. Take stock on everything that you have. And when I say everything, well, I mean everything. How many pillows, how many mugs, how many vegetable peelers. Think on every item, when have you used this item last and how many do you actually need. For full-timers, a good guideline is 6 months. If you haven’t used it at least once in the last 6 months, you probably won’t need it in the next 6 months either.
  2. Go quality over quantity. Instead of tons of mismatching plates, mugs and bowls, for instance, invest in one nice, unbreakable dining set and toss the rest.
  3. One in, one out. One of the easiest ways to keep your RV uncluttered after you have gone through it all. Another cushion for the settee? A new coat? A new set of wine glasses? Give the one you already have to the charity/sell it.


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Baskets are your best friend in RV. Not only you can organize your stuff effectively, but they also prevent your stuff from sliding all over the place. Look at these simple, pretty metallic baskets Heidi from All that brings joy hung on her wall.

Source: All that brings joy

Tip: Sometimes you can find shower caddies super cheap, especially from flea markets – with a little of bit spray paint you can quickly make fantastic fruit and veg holders.

Another good way to use baskets in RV is inside your drawers for tidy organization.

Source: Homey oh my

By the way… Have you seen our new t-shirts yet?

Get the RV version here and Van Life version here!

2. Under-shelf baskets

To get every inch in your cupboards used, use these under-shelf baskets.

DON´T MISS  40 Superb Ways to Get Your RV Bathroom Organized - The Ultimate Organization and Storage Guide

Another handy way to make more space in your crockery cupboard is to hang your mugs/cups from an under-shelf hanger like this or alternatively just with a few hooks.

3. Baskets over the cabinet doors

These handy baskets can be used behind any door, in the kitchen and the bathroom. You could also use a suitable size shower caddy.

Tip: All your RV doors offer more storage space than you’d believe. You can use traditional hooks to store clothes, towels, and jewelry, but you can also use over the door baskets like shown above, get a trash can or a bag holder that goes over the door, use a shower caddy or install a towel bar to hang your spray bottles or your pot lids. Towel holder like this work as well and have been must-haves for me wherever I’ve ever lived.

4. Under table drawer trays

Especially if you are working on your dinette table, with handy under the table drawer trays like these you can transfer your dinette to a work desk in seconds. Find me on Amazon.

Towel bars

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5. Towel storage

Your towel bar is not limited to one traditional way of storing towels! Put two next to each other and fold your towels inside. Looks nice too!

Source: Shopy Homes

6. Hang baskets

You could also use towel bars to hang little baskets. Bathroom sorted!

Source: Jamonkey

7. Secure your shampoos

What a superb idea to hold your shampoos in place when driving.

Source: My five Fs

8. Under the sink

I know this is not exactly a towel bar, but a bar nonetheless and it works wonders! This is a great way to utilize your under-sink space.

Source: Daily New England

Magazine/file folders work many ways

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9. Use them as a veggie storage

To keep your potatoes and onions in good shape as long as possible, use meshed file folders to store your veggies.

Source: Nifty from Buzzfeed

10. Store your cans in them

This is probably one of my favorite hacks. Cans are so awkward to store, especially in RV and this is a cheap way of storing them.

By the way, here are 12 craft ideas for your RV with used tin cans.

Source: PBJstories

Of course, if you want to invest in handy storage a bit more, these fantastic shelves from Amazon always slide the next one closer to the front.

DON´T MISS  15 Must-Have Manual Household Gadgets for RV Boondocking

11. Handy toilet roll holder

Easy to slot next to the toilet seat, the magazine folder works wonders as a toilet paper storage.

Source: lisyn

12. Other uses

Basically you could store anything in them as they are so handy being so slim. If yours are wooden, you could stack them sideways to create shelves. Some people attach them inside their kitchen cupboard doors for extra space for things like chopping boards.

They are an easy way to store:

► all your slim shoes like flip flops
► (water) bottles
► kitchen paper goods
► towels
► food container lids

Source: Better Homes and Gardens

Underneath your kitchen cupboards

13. Fruit hammock or a basket

Pretty way to store your fruit if you don’t have any available wall space.

14. Spice jar/Mason jar storage

Attach your spice jars or mason jars underneath your kitchen cupboards with a magnetic strip or drill a screw through the lid to the bottom of the cabinet if you are worried about anything falling down.

Source: Chris loves Julia

15. Install under cabinet shelf

You can find these for different purposes best suiting your style. This one works as a knife block but there are ones meant for any kitchen utensil or even a cookbook.

Hook it up

Different hooks: Magnetic, Suction cup, Mug and Command hooks

There are a few different hooks you can use in an RV. Magnetic ones you can only use on magnetic surfaces like fridges and magnetic strips, but they are easy to relocate and hold pretty strongly. Suction cup hooks work well on clean, smooth surfaces, best on smooth plastic like on shower walls and windows. Also easy to move without leaving any marks. Command hooks should technically be removable but some surfaces may suffer like newishly painted. (In our old rental flat I actually made a hole to the wall when I tried to pull them off. Oops) Depending on the quality, surface, and usage they may not hold very heavy items. “Mug hooks” with a vinyl coating are like screws with hooks and they hold the best if you are able to make holes in your RV.

16. Simple kitchen paper towel rack

Karen from Sew Many Ways created this simple, handy under the sink towel rack.

Source: Sew Many Ways

17. Food wrap storage

You could use a similar idea to food wraps. Some food wrap packets have holes on their sides you can push in and with two hooks hang them up as they are.

DON´T MISS  14 Easy & Impressive RV Makeover Ideas on a Budget
Source: I Heart Organizing

18. Hang utensils inside cupboard doors

Use hooks or a towel bar with some S-hooks.

Tip: This works in a bathroom as well. If you attach small mug hooks sideways, you can hang your toothbrushes from them.

Source: Mandi tremayne
Source: ABC Home Decor

If you use hooks and binder clips, you can hang your tubes from hooks too.

Source: The Straits Times

Kitchen sink

19. Cover the sink

By using a big cutting board or one made for this purpose as above you can cover your sink when you don’t need it and get more working space this way.

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Other handy purposes for your sink is a roll-up dish drying rack and a little sponge holder.

20. Rack over the sink

If you have space, this is a handy way of drying and storing your kitchen kit. It also has a safe knife storage rack.

Go square

21. Square storage containers

Square storage containers use way less space than round ones as they use every inch available.

22. Dividers

Cami from The Crafting Nook created a similar setup with just cardboard, you can see her tutorial here.

Other miscellaneous

Broom holder

23. Use broom holders

Broom holders don’t only hold your cleaning supplies, but your spice jars in the kitchen, flashlights by the door, and all your tools in your RV storage basement. Mount them on the ceiling to save space!

Source: Vanchitecture

24. Vacuum sealed bags

Vacuum sealed bags are a fantastic way of storing your extra pillows, duvets, and seasonal clothes, especially if you are doing full-time RVing.

25. Seat organizer

Many RVs have their driving seats hidden behind a curtain so you could take advantage of this storage place.

26. Use garden hose reels

Use garden hose reels to store you freshwater and sewage water hoses and electric cables if they are long.

27. Collapsible items

Collapsible and nesting items are great in RVs as they go in such a small space.

Some good examples:

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Here you go, I hope this post gave you some organization inspiration! If you are still hungry for more, check out these RV kitchen and bathroom organization and storage posts!

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